A Little Information About Moi Before You Begin

My name is Sofie, but I'll also respond to "Sof", "Pofus", and the occasional "Hey! You!". I'm aspiring to become a writer by keeping a journal, occasionally posting on my blog, and working for the newspaper/yearbook at my high school, where I'm currently an incoming freshman. However, if my plan to 'hit it big' as an author like Stephenie Meyer doesn't work out, I would like to tour in the LPGA. (For those of you who aren't in to golf, this is the Ladies Professional Golfers Association.) And if neither of those work out, well I guess I'll go into some field of science. (If that doesn't work out, let's just say I'm doomed to a lifetime of waking up every morning and going to a boring office job.) So, now that you know my name and what I'm going to do with my life, WELCOME TO SOFIE'S WORLD.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Still Can't Get Enough To Read?

Either ask "What are some good books for teens?" on http://answers.yahoo.com/ . (Although I don't support this method considering that half of the answers will be "OMG! u have to read Twilight by stephenie meyer cuz it is like soooooo good and i loved it. its 1 of the best books eva!". A much better way to find good books to read that you will actually like is to go on http://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/ . On that site you can create an account, then create a list of books you've read before. Using the books you've selected (only select books you liked or it will make bad suggestions) the site will find other people's lists that have many of the same books that yours does, and you can find books you haven't read on their lists. Another way is to go to your local library and ask the librarian if she knows any good books for teens or pick up a teen reads pamphlet. But, if I were you, I would go into the archives on this blog and click on SOFIE'S WHAT I AM GOING TO READ LIST.

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